Translation and Editing

General Points

  • The Language Service's working languages are Catalan, Spanish and English. Where translation or editing is requested for a different language, we will assess whether or not it can be processed.
  • With regard to translation and editing jobs in Spanish and English, the proofed original document in Catalan should be attached wherever possible.
  • Translation and editing requests must be submitted over UIBdigital.
  • All institutional translations and editing requests are free of charge. This is an exclusive service for technical, management, and administration and services staff (PTGAS), teaching and research staff (PDI) and student representatives.

If you have any queries, please contact the Language Service.


Editing of Institutional Documents in Catalan

This request must be used for institutional, admin, management, financial and outreach documents: agreements, letters, e-mails, marketing material, certificates, examinations, reports, minutes, resolutions, briefing notes, information notices, etc.

Please be aware that this request does not apply to long documents in Catalan (books, annuals, journals, guides, long reports, etc.). These types of documents must be submitted via the following specific request: 'Editing of Long Documents in Catalan.'

Free of charge.

Editing of Long Documents in Catalan

This is a service for PTGAS and PDI staff. It covers editing long texts in Catalan such as books, annuals, journals, guides, reports, etc. These projects are normally sent out to external collaborators.

If you have any queries, please contact the Language Service.

Subject to the relevant external editing rate.

Editing or Translation of Institutional Documents in English and/or Spanish

This request must be used for institutional, admin, management, financial and outreach documents: agreements, letters, e-mails, marketing material, certificates, examinations, reports, minutes, resolutions, briefing notes, information notices, etc.

Please be aware that this request does not apply to translation and editing for journal articles, abstracts and other types of publications. These types of documents must be submitted via the following specific request: 'Editing and Translation of Non-institutional Documents in English or Other Languages.'

Free of charge. 

Editing and Translation of Non-institutional Documents in English or Other Languages

This service covers documents produced by PDI staff, e.g. journal articles, research documents, etc. The Language Service sends out these types of documents to external collaborators. 

The Language Service's working languages are Catalan, Spanish and English. Where translation or editing is requested for a different language, we will assess whether or not it can be processed.

Subject to the relevant external translation/editing rate.

Translation of Course Guides

This service is exclusively available to admin services at the university making a request for students who need to validate subjects taken at the UIB at other universities. Please be aware that the translated course guide is a standardised short version containing the required information for subject accreditation at the new institution. The following language combinations are covered: Catalan or English to Spanish; Catalan or Spanish to English.

PDI staff who would like to have their full course guides translated should use the following request: 'Editing or Translation of Institutional Documents in English and/or Spanish.'

Free of charge.