Onomastics Unit Resources




Cercador de noms

A search engine for personal names available on the Government of Catalonia website in the Department of Justice section. It contains over 2,000 names from the Catalan calendar of saints' names, with the relevant family and colloquial forms, alongside transcriptions for some adapted foreign names.

As of March 2007, the Civil Registry accepts all personal names, with the exception of derogatory terms and any name that may lead to confusion with regard to gender.

Concise Dictionary of First Names

An English dictionary containing definitions for over 6,000 first names (Oxford Dictionaries).

Els noms dels nadons a les Illes Balears. Institut d'Estadística de les Illes Balears

From 1996 to 2006, the Balearic Institute of Statistics (IBESTAT) published information pertaining to the names of all babies born to mothers residing in the Balearic Islands.

Enciclopèdia de cognoms catalans

A list of 4,276 surnames researched by Catalan heraldry experts. Their studies are based around various aspects, including the surnames' origin, meaning, history, weapon, shield and genealogy, as well as any historical figures and statistical data.

Equivalències catalanes de noms estrangers (Generalitat de Catalunya)

A list of foreign names in different languages and their Catalan equivalents.

Noms i cognoms de la població. Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya

The Statistical Institute of Catalonia (Idescat) provides information on all names and surnames found in Catalan society. The resource enables users to query any names or surnames and find out how prevalent they are.

Santoral català

An onomastics guide on saints' names and titles of Mary. It also includes three additional appendices listing non-Catalan, biblical and other names.



Atles Electrònic de Catalunya

A resource to consult the basic cartography of Catalonia (as well as all areas in the region in-depth) and setting out the main activities and services provided by the government, socioeconomic dynamics, and town and country planning.


The Basque Government's cartography and toponymy portal.

Infraestructura de Dades Espacials de les Illes Balears (IDEIB)

This resource lists all technology, policies, standards and human resources to ensure the Balearic Islands have a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) containing geographical data on the archipelago.

Infraestructura de Dades Espacials d'Espanya

This resource aims to incorporate data, metadata, and geographical services and information produced in Spain at national, regional and local level, in line with their respective legal frameworks.

Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya

The largest and most comprehensive toponymy database in Catalonia. The resource can be consulted through the institutional cartography series produced by the ICC and is available on this site at the following scales: 1:250 000 and 1:50 000.

Institut Cartogràfic Valencià

The regional geographical data portal for Valencia to consult information from different institutions or bodies that produce sectorial or general geographical data in Valencia for public access.

National Geographic

National Geographic maps to find toponyms from around the world.



Diccionari Català-Valencià-Balear (Alcover-Moll)

The Catalan-Valencian-Balearic Dictionary may be viewed online. The project is run by the ICE (Institute for Catalan Studies) in collaboration with the Balearic government and other institutions.

Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana Multilingüe

The dictionary lists terms in Catalan, Spanish, English, French and German.

Diccionaride l'Enciclopèdia Catalana

The online version of the Catalan Encyclopaedia.

Diccionari normatiu (DIEC2)

The IEC dictionary is the official reference for standard Catalan.

The second edition follows the same criteria as the first and aims to keep the dictionary up-to-date. In this sense, terms, definitions and specialised vocabulary have been reviewed and extended. Moreover, certain major lexicographic changes have been included, such as different meanings and definitions.

Finally, user suggestions and comments in different areas have been taken into account since the first edition was released.



Digital Books and Journals








Criteris de traducció de noms, denominacions i topònims, 1999

Criteris Lingüístics collection; 3. ISBN 84-393-4748-0

This work has been reviewed and approved by the Administrative Language Assessment Committee. It includes proposed translations for proper nouns and official names used in public administration documents in Catalan and Spanish. The criteria may also be useful for documents produced at other bodies.

Majúscules i minúscules

Criteris Lingüístics collection; 1. Correct capitalisation rules.

Normalització del nom o dels cognoms

Procedures and rules for standardising first names and surnames.

Traducció de noms de persones, coses i llocs

This list includes equivalent Catalan and Spanish terms, as well as translations into French, English and German. Nevertheless, rules of use are not provided. With regard to the Catalan and Spanish equivalents, the common criteria set out in the Criteris de traducció de noms, designacions i topònims from the Administrative Language Assessment Committee are used.



Comissió de Toponímia de Catalunya (Generalitat de Catalunya)

The main portal to access toponymy databases in Catalonia, alongside regulations, language criteria and maps.

Comissió Especialitzada de Noms Geogràfics

The committee is charged with supporting the standardisation of geographical names in Spain, in collaboration with the relevant national and regional bodies.

Euskara – Toponímia: Base de Dades

This resource enables users to query toponyms, municipalities and geographical institutions in the Basque Country.

Mots amb arrels

This website is an interactive educational initiative focused on toponyms in Catalonia.

Municipis i comarques dels Països Catalans

An appendix from the administrative documents website at Pompeu Fabra University.

Nomenclàtor dels carrers de Barcelona

A compilation of public roads in Barcelona to query the correct spelling streets in the city from Barcelona City Council.

Nomenclátor Geográfico Conciso de España

The first essential standardised toponymy corpus from the relevant bodies for geographical names.

Nomenclàtor oficial de toponímia de Catalunya

This resource contains 40,000 official toponyms set by the Toponymy Committee in Catalonia at the Catalan government.

Nomenclàtor toponímic de la Catalunya del Nord

A collection of toponyms and their phonetic transcriptions in France.

Estats del món

Lists of countries and ports around the world. They also contain the main place names linked to different ports.

Toponímia aragonesa

A database from Aragon enabling toponyms to be queried by province, county, municipality and institution.

Toponímia de les Illes Balears

Toponyms from population centres in the Balearic Islands, organised by municipality.

Toponímia de les Pitiüses

Current, non-urban toponyms in Ibiza and Formentera, organised by municipality and in alphabetical order. 

Toponímia de les Terres de l'Ebre

Updated significant toponyms in the Ebro region, including an explanation about their location.

Toponímia de Mallorca

Place names on the island of Majorca with a selection of articles about toponyms and a map to find them.

Toponímia És a dir

The language portal from the Catalan Broadcasting Corporation. It classifies toponyms by strict linguistic criteria: Catalan-speaking regions and other toponyms.

Toponímia Oficial de Galícia

A toponym collection for provinces, councils, parishes and locations in Galicia, according to the resolutions issued by the Toponymy Committee and the regulations set by the regional Galician government.

Toponímia Oficial de Navarra  

This resource enables users to query the official Navarre toponymy database and provides linguistic, etymological, documentary and geographical information for each entry.