
Publications at the Onomastics Unit

Conference Series

Conference Series volumes are also available on the Digital Library of the Balearic Islands.

Joint Publications from the Terminology Unit and the Onomastics Unit

  • Guasch, C. i Ramon, M. M. (2002). Recull de gentilicis. Universitat de les Illes Balears. ISBN 84-7632-720-X. 119 pages.

A resource comprising 592 foreign demonyms, including the geographical area they refer to.


  • Tolosa, F. (2005). Viladrau, un munt de noms i d'imatges. Taller Gràfic Ramon. ISBN 84-60957-02-0. 255 pages.

A compilation of numerous place names from the Viladrau area presented alongside images. This project received linguistic support from the Onomastics Unit at the UIB Language Service.

Publications from the Onomastics Society