Conferences at the Onomastics Unit

- Onomastics Seminar
(UIB Campus, 6th October 2017)
- 2nd Onomastics Society Congress - 27th Anthroponymy and Toponymy Conference
(Manacor, 24th and 25th October 2014)
- 26th Anthroponymy and Toponymy Conference - 8th Toponymy Methodology and Language Standardisation Seminar
(Manacor, 11th May 2023)
- 25th Anthroponymy and Toponymy Conference - 7th Toponymy Methodology and Language Standardisation Seminar
(UIB, 11th May 2012)
- 24th Anthroponomy and Toponymy Conference - 6th Toponymy Methodology and Language Standardisation Seminar
(Petra, 26th March 2011)
- 23rd Anthroponomy and Toponymy Conference - 5th Toponymy Methodology and Language Standardisation Seminar
(Porreres, 27th March 2010)